About Lauren
Lauren is a festival award-winning director now plying her craft for Disney's newest platform, Disney Plus as a 1st AD. Her most recent film work was in capacity as an AD the indie feature "El Tonto" in Charlie Day’s, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia directorial debut. Lauren is a true team player, equally adept at leading or executing.
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Hallmark Bitches
Hallmark Bitches Behind the Scenes
Gilmore Reinvented as Gilmore T.V.
Gilmore TV is a diverse media company that produces short films and street-art-inspired apparel. Uniting these concepts is an idea created by Lauren Robbins who cut out the first GILMORE stencil for her best friend and roommate Luke Wederbrook at their 2011 4th of July party. Luke wore the t-shirt throughout the day makinghim GILMORE’s first model and in doing so set the trend for future GILMORE t-shirts. This trend is most popular on the west side of Los Angeles near beaches and bar scenes where Abbot Kinney, “voted the most popular block in America 2012” remains as a local place for the GILMORE crew. Allow it!
As the shirts gained popularity along with its fan base the apparel expanded to purses, shoes, and custom stencils for GILMORE’s unique style. And in the fall of 2011 Robbins integrated the GILMORE clothing trademark into its first film format. This short inspired by her Just Dance Wii game gave Robbins her first Directorial Gilmore credit for publishing two fun dance videos released on YouTube entitled, Gilmore Boogie and Gilmore Boogie Pt. 2. The second video opens with GILMORE’s actual street sign and includes a close-knit group of friends that GILMORE TV would like to thank: Luke Wederbrook, Allie Schaefer, Dave Watrous, Dave Marandola, Garet Webb, Francesca Herrera, Brandon Bracato, and Valy Lungoccia.
The street-art-inspired apparel opened so many doors that lead to developing the company into a full-time digital media platform.
Shuffle the pictures how you like and see what happens!